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i빌리북의 삶/영어 공부 왕초보

위대한 유산 원서읽기 page5 6 7

by ibiliever 2023. 10. 17.

위대한 유산이 나에게 어렵긴 한데 내용이 재밌어서 뒷 이야기가 계속 기대되어 이 책으로 원서 읽기 해보려 한다.

영어 원서 읽기 올해 시작하다 그만두고 시작하고 그만두고.. 두달을 멈추었다. 다시 시작한다. 시작하는 것 보다 다시 시작하는게 어째 더 어려운 것 같다.

my father's family name was Pirrip,
and my parents named me Philip.
When I was very young I couldn't say my name properly.
I said it was pip, so that's what people called me.

I don't remember my father or my mother.
They both died when I was a baby.
They are buried in the churchyard along with my
five brothers who all died before I knew them.

The only one who lived was my sister, who was more than 20 years older than me.
She married the blacksmith, Joe gargery, and I lived with
MR. and MRS. Joe gargery near the marshes beside the river.

There were not many trees and it was always cold, wet and windy.
Late one afternoon, when it was colder, wetter, and windier
than usual, I was at the churchyard looking at the graves of my family.

There was Philip Pyrup and Georgianna, the wife of the above.
There was also Alexander bartholemu, Abraham Tabius
and Roger infant children of the above. Weeds grew around
the graves I looked at the marshes and toward the river.

The sea was 20 miles away but the cold wind came from
there. I shivered. A terrible voice behind me said
"come here. don't make a noise, or I will cut your throat."

I didn't make a noise as a frightening man dressed
in gray clothes came toward me from the graves near
the church.


He had an iron ring on his leg. His shoes were worn out.
He had no hat. Instead he wore a rag on his head.
His clothes were wet and muddy and there
were scratches and cuts on his hands and face.

그의 다리에는 쇠고랑이 달려 있었고 그의신발은 낡았다.
그는 머리에 모자는 없었고 대신 낡은 헝겊을 걸치고 있었다.
그의 옷은 젖어 있었고 진흙투성이였다. 그리고
얼굴과 손엔 베인자국과 긁힌 상처가 나 있었다.

He nodded and shivered. His eyes were red.
Coming close, he took hold of me by the chin.
"please don't cut my throat"
I cried. "please don't!"

그는 고개를 끄덕거리면 떨고 있었다. 그의 눈은 붉었다.
그가 다가오더니, 내 턱을 잡았다.
"제발 내 목을 베지 말아주세요"
나는 울면서 말했다... "제발요.."

He growled. What's your name? I replied. " pip,sir."
"Where do you live?" I pointed to the village about
a mile away. The man looked at me. Then he turned me
upside down and shook me to empty my pockets.

그는 으르릉거리며 물었다. 니 이름이 뭐냐?
난 'pip'이라고 대답했다.
"너 어디 사냐?" 나는 약 1마일 떨어진 마을을 가리켰다.
그는 나를 쳐다보더니 나를 거꾸로 뒤집고는주머니를
비우도록 흔들어댔다.

All I had was a small piece of old bread.
He snatched it up and ate it. He seemed very hungry.
"I could eat you!" He growled, looking at me again,
exactly as if he might. I begged him not to eat me.

내가 가진 것이라고는 오래된 빵 한 조각뿐이었다.
그는 그걸 낚아채 먹었다. 몹시 배가 고파 보였다.
"난 너도 먹어치울 수 있어" 그는 으르릉거리며 다시 나를
쳐다보았다.확실히 그는 그럴수 있을것 같았다.
나는 나를 먹지 말라고 빌었다.

He asked. "Where's your mother?"
"There, Sir" I pointed to the grave.
"Georgianna that's my mother."
"Is that your father? Next to her?" I nodded.

"니 엄마는 어디계시니?" 그가 물었다.
"저기있어요" 나는 무덤을 가리켰다.
"조지아나요. 내 엄마예요."
"그 옆에 있는 건 니 아버지고?" 난 고개를 끄덕였다.

"Who do you live with?"
"My sister, Sir. Mrs. Joe gargery, the blacksmith's wife."
He looked at the iron ring on his leg and grunted,
"Blacksmith eh?"

"누구랑 같이 사는데?"
"누나랑요. 조 가거리예요. 대장장이의 부인이랍니다."
그는 자기 다리에 달린 쇠고랑을 보며 투덜거렸다.
"대장장이라고? 어?"

He took hold of both my arms and put his face close to
mine looking into my eyes.
"You get me a file and some food. Bring them to me here
tomorrow, or I will cut your heart out !"

그는 내 팔을 잡고는 얼굴이 들이밀며 내 눈을 바라보았다.
"너! 줄하고 음식 조금만 갖고 와라.  내일 여기로 가져와.
안 그러면 니 심장을 도려내고 말겠어!"

"And don't tell anyone that you saw me.
I have a young friend hiding with me.
He loves to cut open small boys and take their hearts."

"그리고 나를 봤다는 걸 누구에게도 말하지 마!
내겐 숨어있는 젊은 친구가 하나 있어.
그 친구는 어린 남자 아이들을 도려내어 심장을 꺼내어
갖는 걸 좋아하지."


I am stopping him now but he would love to get your heart.

I promised to get what he wanted.
He let me go and I went toward home.
I looked back to see him limping into the marshes.

I looked for the other young man he had mentioned
but I couldn't see him.
I ran home without stopping

My sister Mrs.Joe gargery the blacksmith's wife,
had strong hands and she used them to hit me and her husband quite often.

When I got home that afternoon, Joe warned me that
Mrs.Joe was out looking for me.
"She has the tickler with her" he added.

The tickler was a stick that she used to hit us
if she thought her hand was not enough.
I hid behind the door, but she found me there soon enough.
she hit me and then threw me at her husband.

"where have you been?" She shouted.
"only at the churchyard."I said crying.
"the churchyard! if I hadn't looked after you,
you would have stayed there for a long time. "

"I don't know why I brought you up.
It's bad enough being a blacksmith's wife without
being your mother. I'll end up in the churchyard
myself one day then what will you do? "

That evening we had a piece of bread for tea.
I put mine in my pocket.
Joe thought that I had eaten it very quickly.
Missus Joe complained that I should not eat so quickly.
She gave me a long drink of tar water to care me.

Tar water tasted very bad and did no good but she often made me drink it as if it was a punishment.
She made Joe drink some too.
It was Christmas Eve and I had to do some small jobs in the kitchen.
I hid my piece of bread in my room

just before going to bed I heard a gunshot.
Joe explained that a convict had escaped and the police fired the gun to warn everybody.
I asked some more questions but missus Joe was annoyed.
She yelled you ask too many questions boy Joe asked

didn't you hear the gunshot last night? One escaped then and now another one has escaped.
I asked where did they escape from? Missus Joe replied did I bring you up just so that you could worry me to death with questions they escaped from the holk.

Missus Joe was very annoyed so I had to ask carefully but I found out that holks were prison ships and that people were put there for murdering and stealing.
Then she sent me to bed.
Lying in bed I thought about the hulks that's where I would be.
One day I thought

I was asking too many questions and in the morning I was going to rob missus Joe.
I was very frightened and I did not sleep very well that night.
I got up very early the next morning and went to the pantry while Joe and Mrs.
Joe were still sleeping it was still dark.
I stole some bread,

a piece of cheese and some cooked meat.
I poured some brandy from the stone bottle into a smaller bottle and then replaced the brandy with some water from a jug.
In the kitchen

I found a pork pie and took that too.
Then I got a file from joe's box of tools.
I took it all with me and ran to the churchyard.
It was wet and cold that morning it was difficult to see anything in the mist that lay on the ground.

Suddenly I saw a man sitting near the river and thought it was the man I had seen the day before.
It wasn't but he was very similar to him.
He had the same clothes and the same iron ring on his leg but he had a different face.
The man by the river saw me and tried to hit me before he ran away.

I thought it must be the young man who liked cutting boys open and taking their hearts.
At the churchyard the man whom I had met the day before was waiting for me.
He looked very sick and ATE the food quickly

Then he drank the brandy.
He ate and drank like a dog looking around him all the time.
I asked hi, "Aren't you leaving any for your friend?"
"Who?No! he doesn't need any food."

그러고 나서 그는 브랜디를 마셨다.
그는 먹는 내내 주위를 둘러보면서 개처럼 먹고 마셨다.
내가 물었다 "당신 친구 먹을꺼는 안 남겨 줄거에요?"
"누구? 아! 걘 먹을거 필요 없어!"

"He looked as if he did."
When I told him about the other man I saw
he was very surprised.
He asked
"Did he have a mark on the left side of his face?"
He did and I told him so.

Excitedly he said, where is he? I'll catch him.
I showed him which way the man by the river had run and he began to file at the iron ring on his leg.
I said, good bye to him but he didn't notice and I went back home


